E-commerce Data

E-commerce data APIs provide relevant information of connected E-commerce platform from both buyer and seller, It includes information like: name, phone number, address, transactions, item details, total transactions amount, merchant profile, total products, shop rating, total income.

Our new version of APIs(v2) is callback-based APIs, So if you have not set up a callback URL till now, Please set it from brick dashboard.

E-commerce Data APIs

We have an extensive list of E-commerce data collection that can be used to get the identity, transaction, and Income data for both buyers and sellers.

Buyer IdentityGETE-commerce Buyer Identity endpoint returns the basic information related to the buyer like name, phone number, address, etc.
Buyer TransactionsGETE-commerce Buyer Transaction endpoint returns the information related to the transaction done by the buyer, It includes information like item details, price, total amount of transaction, date, etc.
Merchant IdentityGETE-commerce Merchant Identity endpoint returns the information related to the merchant / store owned by the seller like store name, total products, shop rating, etc.
Merchant IncomeGETE-commerce Merchant Income endpoint returns the information related to the buyer income and can be requested based on the date range.
Merchant TransactionsGETE-commerce merchant transaction endpoint returns the information related to the transaction sold by the seller like item details, price, total amount of transaction, date, etc.