      "message":"We are successfully able to fetch the details",
      "job_id": "KVWJUrwQ78333309",  
         "name":"John Doe",
      "province":"Jawa Barat",
      "district":"Cimahi Selatan",

Response Parameters

Key ParametersData TypeDescription
identity-identity_typeStringType of identity that being verified (currently only support KTP)
identity-identity_numberStringKTP Number inserted in the request
identity-verifiedBooleanStatus of verification (True/ False)
full_name-nameStringName inserted in the request
full_name-verifiedBooleanStatus of verification (True/ False)
provinceStringProvince where the KTP is registered
cityStringCity where the KTP is registered
districtStringDistrict where the KTP is registered
genderStringGender of the user